
Synthesis Quality

create quality metric plots for all nifti images in directory

usage: synth-quality [-h] -s SYNTH_DIR [SYNTH_DIR ...] -t TRUTH_DIR
                     [-na NORM_ALGS [NORM_ALGS ...]]
                     [-sa SYNTH_ALGS [SYNTH_ALGS ...]] [-o OUTPUT_DIR]
                     [-m MASK_DIR] [-ot OUTPUT_TYPE] [-v] [--mean]


-s, --synth-dir
 path to directory of synthesized images
-t, --truth-dir
 path to corresponding truth images


-na, --norm-algs
 normalizaiton algorithms, must be provided if multiple directories provided
-sa, --synth-algs
 synthesis algorithms, must be provided if multiple directories provided
-o, --output-dir
 directory to output the quality metric plots
-m, --mask-dir optional directory of labels for images
-ot, --output-type

type of output image to save (e.g., png, pdf, etc.)

Default: “png”

-v, --verbosity

increase output verbosity (e.g., -vv is more than -v)

Default: 0


plot the mean of the quality metrics for the directory

Default: False

Directory Viewer

create profile views of every nifti image in a directory

usage: directory-view [-h] -i IMG_DIR [-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-l LABEL_DIR]
                      [-f FIGSIZE [FIGSIZE ...]] [-ot OUTPUT_TYPE] [-a AXIS]
                      [-s SLICES [SLICES ...]] [--trim] [-v]


-i, --img-dir path to directory with images to be processed


-o, --output-dir
 directory to output the corresponding views
-l, --label-dir
 optional directory of labels for images
-f, --figsize

size of output image (two integers)

Default: (8, 8)

-ot, --output-type

type of output image to save (e.g., png, pdf, etc.)

Default: “png”

-a, --axis

axis on which to take a slice

Default: 0

-s, --slices if provided (relative slices), plot these slices instead of ortho view

trim output image of blank/white space outside the plot

Default: False

-v, --verbosity

increase output verbosity (e.g., -vv is more than -v)

Default: 0